Puppy Training

It's so important to take the first steps slowly and gently with your puppy, we offer puppy dummies that are soft and light to help encourange your puppy start their gundog journey. Even if you do not want to work your Dog the basic training for delivery is a vital part of owning a Dog.

Fur Products

Paws@brooklyn stock Rabbit dummies, Rabbit Balls, Pheasant pelt and dummies, perfect for retrieves, hunting or introducing Fur to your Dog

Training Essentials

Paws@brooklyn stock a large selction of training essentials, whether you wish to work your Dog in the Field, compete in Field Trials or just want a loving loyal companion we have something for everyone

Paws@brooklyn are official stockists for Ruff & Tumble Drying Coats and Leads

Visit the shop

The shop is open Monday - Friday from 9:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday - 9:30am - 12:30pm

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